Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Get a Clue with Nancy Drew: They Mystery of the Swastika Quilting Fabric

I adore Nancy Drew. I wasn't allowed to read the books until I was in 3rd grade, but my older sister would read them out-loud to me occasionally, and after those tantalizing snippets I just decided to bypass the 3rd grade rule and started reading them myself on the sly. I also read the Hardy Boys, Trixie Belden, and a whole host of other things I wasn't allowed to. Sorry Mom.

But something about Nancy Drew...she had a father who gave her cars and was totally fine with her going off and solving mysteries. She had a housekeeper to cook and clean for her, she had friends ready and willing to be her sidekicks. Even her boyfriend, Ned Nickerson was always available, but never in the way. On top of that, she was kind, she helped people, she had great clothes and hair, she always saved the day.

When Moda released their fabric line called "Get a Clue with Nancy Drew", of course all us fangirls went bonkers, and I grabbed 4 charm packs, which I've been hanging onto, waiting for the right project.

I finally busted into them a couple weeks ago to make my little sister Anna a quilt. Anna moved to Hawaii this winter, and I thought I'd try and finish this quilt in time to send with her birthday package in March. Anna picked out a pattern from the Moda Bakeshop, and I thought instead of a white background like the pattern called for, I'd use a different neutral. I grabbed this number from my stash. I thought it looked kind of like a maze - perfect for a Nancy Drew quilt! I somehow completely missed the fact that this fabric is actually covered in swastikas. So, I blindly cut it apart and sewed it into all the little four-patch units. Suddenly, the swastikas stuck out like sore thumbs. How did this happen? How did my lovely Nancy Drew fabric get mixed up into this whole Nazi mess?

So. Now I'm in a big pickle. All the blocks are complete...the idea of taking them
apart and starting over is not very appealing (to say the least). So what do I do? What would Nancy do? I'll get back to you after I consult with my wise father Carson, my best chums Bess and George, and go for a refreshing drive in my sporty roadster.

1 comment:

  1. Mystery update. Progress on taking the blocks apart?
