Friday, February 21, 2020

Goings Ons

Hey there! Just wanted to pop in to this space and say I'm still here, but my sewing room is in a large heap of boxes in my new apartment. My goal this weekend is to get everything set-up the way I want it and maybe even do some actual sewing!

I spent 5 days in NYC for the Westminster Dog Show and other shenanigans. Dog show's are pretty crazy, I have to say. It's a whole different subculture, and one that was fun to be a part of.

There was also lots of eating and a broadway show.

 And also a day spent touring around in a 1928 Ford Model T!

1 comment:

  1. WOW....I think the dog show would be a fantastic event to attend!! Plus to see NY!! Yes, I am waiting to see how the new digs will be decorated........get in gear!! :)
    Aunt Karen
