Thursday, October 15, 2020

Friday Finish: Swoon

So, apparently I took the Summer and Fall off from blogging! I didn't intend on that happening, but with one thing and another, sewing and writing about it just didn't end up being a priority.

I was hired to sew this quilt for a milestone anniversary in September. My customer gave me a rough idea of color palate and then basically set me free to do what I wanted, aside from a few brief texts that went something like this:

Me: Do you like this color?

Them: Yes!

Me: Great!

As you can see, they were pretty easy to work with :)


I've been wanting to sew this "Swoon" pattern from Camille Roskelley for years now. Her original design has enormous blocks that are 24" in size, but a couple years back she came out with a different version that has 16" blocks, and I decided to use that. It wasn't complicated sewing, but it's an intricate pattern and I found myself doing a decent amount of seam ripping. In fact, in the top picture I spotted a block that I had to redo. Thank goodness I found the mistake before sewing the whole business together!


When it came time for the quilting, I was a little nervous about doing a King size quilt on my sewing machine. I knew the machine could handle it, but I wasn't so sure I'd be able to handle the physical toll of maneuvering the weight and heft of it through my machine. In the end, I sewed it together in to halves and quilted one half at a time. I connected the two parts by hand and then quilted over the seams, and it turned out amazingly well - you can't tell at all that it was originally in two pieces.

One bad thing about my apartment is that I don't have a good place to photograph my finished quilts! I settled for just draping it over my bed, but it's hard to get a good sense of how it turned out. My customers were thrilled though, and it was a good project to get me through the summer!

1 comment:

  1. WOW, that was a project!! No wonder you were MIA!! How could they NOT like the finished product!! Back to regular scheduled programming!
    Aunt Karen
