Sunday, July 3, 2016

Aviatrix Medallion: Border 3

Border three on the Aviatrix Medallion is a little more involved than the first one. It's made up of these plus sign/x blocks, and they are fiddly. I'm not a fan of "Snowballing" corners - this is when you draw a diagonal line through a square of fabric, sew on the line, trim, and then flip it up. It involves lots of marking and this takes time.

 I do love this handy pen I got in my last mini quilt kit though - the ink disappears about an hour after you draw with it! Yes, for reals! It works too. I marked a bunch of squares, and then got distracted by something. When I got back, all my lines were gone and I had to redo them. So there's a downside to the disappearing ink.

I have to make 20 of these, and I've only done three of them, so I have a ways to go.

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