Monday, October 16, 2017

A Change of Plan

Way back when - two years ago now - I pieced together the Tula Pink Craftsy Mystery Quilt. I was excited, because I love Tula Pink fabric, and I thought the colors in her Fox Field collection were so fun. As I was making it, I had a few moments of thinking "huh - I'm not so sure about this color next to that one", but according to the pattern and pictures I saw online of everyone else's quilts, it all seemed to work out fine in the end.

Not so much for me. Here's what I've learned - just because it's all designed as one fabric collection doesn't necessarily mean that everything looks good together. And also, use some common sense - if you don't like the way something looks, change it for christs sake!

So, over the past few weeks I've taken the whole thing apart to be resewn. My housemate has gleefully participated in the seam ripping since she thinks it's fun (what?), and actually, seam ripping whilst LOL'ing over the new Will and Grace season is not a bad way to deal with a project gone wrong.

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