Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Just a little update

After the bout of fast and furious sewing getting ready for the quilt show, I've enjoyed taking a break and not doing much sewing, or blogging either obviously. I got a very pointed text from a loyal reader the other day though - something like "How come you don't blog anymore loser?" that made me realize it HAS been awhile!

I've been doing a teesy bit of sewing here and there. I pulled out my bin of string scraps (strings are what quilters call long strips of material) and am turning those into some scrappy foundation pieced blocks, using old phone book pages for the foundation. It's very gratifying to see these take shape, because it's fun brainless sewing and uses up LOTS of scraps. I'm sewing colors together without much rhyme or reason, so it'll be a mystery to see how it all turns out.

I also started working on another quilt made out of solids called "Amy's Stars", and each block is made up of 16 Half-Square Triangles, which are easy, but BORING to sew after awhile. I can only tolerate making about two blocks at a time before I need to move onto something else, so the going is slow with this one.

Finally, remember the Jingle Bird quilt I promised to make for my cousin in time for Christmas which is in 27 days? Yeah, I sort of forgot about that and then just remembered a few days ago. I'm going to try to finish it. I still have 1/2 the blocks to make, and then the big center part, and the whole thing is appliqued, and I'm very slow at that. But I said I'd do it, so I'm going to try. Which means it's time to kick the sewing into high gear again, so you'll be hearing more from me soon.

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