Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Geese Families

Sewing my little geese into blocks of four has been tons of fun. I decided to separate each unit with a small neutral strip and a little center block for an extra pop of color.

One bonus of paper piecing is that it's extremely accurate. You don't have to worry about having a perfect seam allowance (which I NEVER have) because you're simply sewing on lines and as long as you can do that, you're guaranteed perfection.

I notice this especially when sewing these little guys together - there's no fudging on making things fit, no tugging or gathering, or all the little tricks I usually have to employ to get everything to match up. Would it be like this all the time if I simply became more accurate in my everyday sewing? Who can say? It's never going to happen, so for now I'm just enjoying this temporarily during my paper piecing projects!

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