Saturday, January 16, 2016

The Fresh 20...or why I started cooking again

So, I like cooking, but I don't like grocery shopping or planning. The result of that is I either order a lot of pizza, or I go to the store and buy a bunch of random stuff...and then order pizza. When I do try to plan ahead, it takes forever to figure out what I want to make and the list of what I need to buy. Often the meals I pick aren't very cohesive, so I might buy an expensive ingredient for one meal, not use it all, and then the rest of it goes to waste.

At the start of this year, I decided not to make grandiose resolutions about losing weight or exercising religiously (see this excellent post if you want to know how I'm feeling about that), but I know that nourishing myself with nutritious meals is a win/win both in the budget and pants-fitting department, and I decided I would focus on that.

Chicken Madeira with Roasted Butternut Squash, Goat cheese, and Brussel Sprouts - 1.4.16
I decided to give The Fresh 20 a try, and so far it's been the answer to all my cooking issues. Every friday, I get my menu for the next week including recipes, and a shopping list. Each list is no more than 20 ingredients plus a few pantry staples, (hence the name), and everything is seasonal.

Provencal Cod with Kale and Orzo pilaf - 1.6.15
So far a meal takes me about 20-30 minutes to make, and everything has been delicious. No more wasted food, no more "what's for dinner" quandary at 5:30 on the way home from work, no more pizza. Well, except for Saturday night pizza. Because you have to have SOME pizza in life.

Quinoa saute with bacon and brussel sprouts - 1.12.16
If cooking for you usually involves things like reheating corn dogs or a can of soup, than The Fresh 20 will be a bit of stretch. If you're a picky eater or have to cook for a bunch of picky eaters, than this might not be the greatest fit. If you're someone like me however, that likes cooking and just needs a little help with the planning of it all, and enjoys eating a wide variety of vegetables and cuisines, than this might be a good fit. The Fresh 20 will send you a free menu plan, and I think you should give it a try!

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