Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Paper Piecing Roll

 So, I ran out of solid color scraps for my Color Wheel quilt, so that's temporarily put away until my scrap supply is replenished. I figured the best way to do that would be to start working on another quilt, right? I decided to start the 2016 Craftsy Block of the Month quilt called "Amish Medallion", which starts out with a big paper pieced center flower thing. I've decided paper-pieced things are good side projects to have going when you need a break from your real project.

This center part is some tricky piecing, let me tell you! It's made up of multiple different sections, and there was a bit of seam ripping happening since paper piecing is confusing, and I'm easily confused. It got better once I decided to write what colors all the different sections were supposed to be.

But it's cool, isn't it? I possibly got so interested in doing this "side project" that my main project (the Smithereens quilt) got neglected.

1 comment:

  1. That is going to one pretty quilt. Amish quilts are always pretty brightly colored or maybe it looks that way because they generally are against a black background. Wonder why they used black?? Aunt Karen
