Saturday, January 31, 2015

Miss Kate's Turnover

Well, you know me...I can't work on only one project at a time. It's the same with reading - I have to have multiple books and sewing projects going at once!

This was a Craftsy mystery quilt back sometime in 2014 - fall maybe? I purchased the kit, and it's been sitting under my sewing table ever since. It uses the Bonnie and Camille fabric line called "Miss Kate". Like all Bonnie and Camille fabrics, it's completely adorable, and after working with only blue and grey neckties for the past week or so, I couldn't take it any longer and busted open the kit.

My least favorite part of starting a quilt is the cutting. I just find it tedious and putzy. Plus, accuracy is extremely important, and you know that is not so easy for me.

You know one thing I discovered helps quite a lot with cutting? A good rotary blade. You might think this would be a no-brainer, but I realized it had been over 6 months since I'd changed my blade. There are a lot of quilters who change their blade after every project, so you can imagine the state mine was in. After I switched it out, suddenly cutting this lovely stuff became a lot more fun.

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